dinsdag 3 november 2009

Follow the "OURO" project here!!!

Yes, the "OURO" project is my current dream project. I was able to setup my small studio in Brazil, invested in a couple of computers with enough "horse power" to function as a symphonic orchestra at my finger tips. A dream that has come true.

The name "OURO" means "gold" in Portugees and is derived from the 1998 Miles Davis album "AURA". For now, it's only a project title; I expect the album will be named different.

Here a quote from www.allmusic.com about the album "AURA":

"iles' last recording for the Columbia label before heading for the financial allure of Warner Bros. in the mid-'80s was not released until 1989. This critic's guess is because largely they had no idea what to do with it. Unlike anything else in his catalog, Aura is a ten-part suite composed by Danish flügelhornist Palle Mikkelbourg as a tribute. Influenced deeply by serialism and the inspiration of Gil Evans, Mikkelbourg composed a theme from ten notes based on the letters of Davis' first and last names. The notes yielded a chord, which led him through the work. Employing a full orchestra and the guitar talents of former Davis collaborator John McLaughlin and famed European bassist Niels-Henning Ørsted Pederson, Aura's sections are named for the color spectrum, with the addition of white and "electric red." The music is an amalgam of classical impressionism, European new music, jazz, rock, electronic, and other genres. As a tribute and separate orchestral work, it's quite moving and beautiful, full of moody interludes and evocations of nuance, color, texture, and dynamic. With Davis added, soloing in his trademark muted, rounded warmth, the music becomes almost breathtaking."

So, in the next message on this block I'll explain the similarities between AURA and my OURO project.

Thanks for your interest in this unique dream poject where all of my 20 years experience in playing and composing seems to come together.


Wim Dijkgraaf
jazz harmonica & composition

e-mail: info@wimdijkgraaf.com
website: www.wimdijkgraaf.com
watch: www.youtube.com/wimdijkgraaf
listen: www.myspace.com/wimdijkgraaf
news: wimdijkgraaf.blogspot.com

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